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Summary of Content in Breklum

17. 09.2015

“Let justice flow like a river and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream – Justice in theological Perspectives”

10.30 Uhr Plenum

Präsentation: Prof. Dr. Christl M. Maier, Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie der Philipps Universität Marburg

Reaktion: The view of a Christian from the global south, Bishop Dr. Alex Mkumbo (Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Tansania)

Moderation: Martina Severin-Kaiser, Ökumenebeauftragte der Nordkirche



15.00 – 18.00 Uhr Workshops

A Churches and denominations in dialogue and competition:

All over the world churches are involved in ecumenical contexts. We discover the richness of religious traditions. How do we interact with the brothers and sisters sharing the same gospel in different traditions? How do we benefit from theological differences? And the churches: How do we encourage each other to share our vision of faith, love and hope?

B Gender justice – gender injustice - women´s rights and men´s roles in the church of today:

Gender justice comes out from the core of biblical traditions: We are created equal as men and women in the image of God. Still we find rights and roles, different levels of participation, discrimination and subordination. And the churches: What is our vision of gender justice?

C What we believe - The tradition of faith in transforming societies:

We are living in transforming societies, things are changing permanently. How do we act, work and live together tomorrow? Do these cultural and technical transformation processes affect the way we believe as Christians as well? And the churches: Do we have to change our ways of celebrating and discussing the gospel – or do we have to defend our heritage?

D Being a minority – the church in a multi-religious and secular context:

The religious landscape is full of colours. Religion has become a market, people make their choices, some are choosing religious indifference. How do we react in our self-understanding and in our mission on this? Are we allowed to claim universality, although we are a minority? And the churches: How do we learn to share our vision in a multi-religious and secular world?



“…. he has anointed me to tell the good news to the poor – The Contribution of the Church towards a just Distribution of Resources.”

10.30 Uhr Plenum

Präsentation: Bischop Dr. Alex Malasusa (Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Tansania)

Präsentation: Dr. Julian Culp, (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Leibniz-Forschungsgruppe "Transnationale Gerechtigkeit" im Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Moderation: Dr. Klaus Schäfer, Direktor des Zentrums für Mission und Ökumene in der Nordkirche


15.00 – 18.00 Uhr Workshops

A Survival and sharing – churches within the conflicts of rich and poor:

The wall still between the rich and the poor, local walls and global walls are defending richness. Global Christianity is facing the threats of misery and poverty and the threats of consumption and greed as well. Though, we have the biblical vision of a world, where all peoples needs are fulfilled. What is our vision of a good life within these global conflicts? The Churches – how do we encourage societies to overcome poverty and to enable people to life a live in dignity?

B The churches, the creation and the care for climate justice:

Industrial production and consumption is exhausting the planet. The way we live is threatening the lives of many, especially among the world's poorest people and also destroying biodiversity. The gap between the rich and the poor is posing threats to global peace and to peace with the earth. The Churches -– how does God´s blessing of the seventh day lead us to care for climate justice? How do we find the spirituality of climate justice?

C Migrants and refugees - The churches and the victims of civil wars and impoverishment:

The world is threatened by civil wars and impoverishment. We are experiencing a crisis of forced displacement unprecedented in the modern era, with millions of people now living as refugees or internally displaced persons. We are facing brain drain in the regions of poverty and questions of resettlement and integration in other parts of the world. The Churches - How do we deepen our reflection on the Christian calling to welcome the stranger? How do we urge political leaders to overcome hostility?

D Churches and the strive for human rights and religious freedom:

Religious freedom is a human right, it should be fundamental for every society. Our faith based on the conviction, that all human beings are created in the image of God, equal, and precious in God's sight. The churches – how do we support and encourage each other to defend human rights and human dignity and those who are building just societies?